Sunday 19 February 2012

2nd Shoot at Esplanade (Night Shot)

Doing my 1st Night shoot this time round.My brother just taught me how to take a nice photo at night. Consulted Ryan Aka Jiang Yong for more information and he gave me an advice to get ND filter and remote for long exposure shot. Hmmm ... but I'm still thinking whether to get ND filter because there are 5 different types.

Blue ball display just outside Esplanade Entrance with the reflect of the trees.

Durian of Singapore (Esplanade) LOL. Testing out my ISO 100 low-noise effect ^_^.
CBD area with a nice sunset by the side.

This photo was captured with an 8sec exposure and the one below is taken with 13sec exposure.

The longer the exposure the picture will look like a paint picture rather then a normal photo.
anyway this photo is exposed way to much that the Merlion become too bright =X.

Night vision Shot by D5100 effect mode. Looks good with the lighting from MBS and there are no clouds that day. Therefore the background is pitch black.

CBD area near the floating platform with 10 sec exposure and flash from my D5100. The picture become a bit redish if you look closely. I like the reflection on the water surface ^_^.
End my day with my mummy at Crystal Jade for dinner. Eating Fried rice and Ramen.

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