Thursday 23 February 2012

The day at Botanical Garden

It has been a long time seen i step into Botanical Garden. Let me think hmmmm... nearly about 4 years haha. I have just been there recently and found out, the Botanical Garden actually expanded. We can now travel there on an MRT by Circle Line from Buona Vista Station. There lots of interesting places in BG like the Healing Garden, Ginger Garden, National Orchid Garden and of cause the Bandstand which all couples love to hang out and take photos. It was a cloudy day when I was there taking photos.

Taken at Healing Garden. f5.6, 48mm 1/50.

NEA HQ. f5.6 1/40 18mm.

f22, 8sec exposure.

If you guys want to look at Orchids, you will need to pay to get in.
18mm, f5.6, 1/25.

The Singapore Flower.

26mm, f22, 4 sec exposure.

This photo taken at Ginger Garden. f22, 2 sec exposure.

The Bandstand. f4.5, 10sec exposure.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

For Beginner with DSLR, SLR or even Semi-DSLR

This website explained almost everything on the 3 important things to take almost perfect or good photo. The 3 important things are : Aperture Control, ISO and Shuttle Speed. Actually, I think there is just 1 more thing. That is experiences !!! The more photos you take, the more you get used to your camera control and setting for a great photo. It take time to get use in all the adjustments. Don't give up guys !!!

Sunday 19 February 2012

2nd Shoot at Esplanade (Night Shot)

Doing my 1st Night shoot this time round.My brother just taught me how to take a nice photo at night. Consulted Ryan Aka Jiang Yong for more information and he gave me an advice to get ND filter and remote for long exposure shot. Hmmm ... but I'm still thinking whether to get ND filter because there are 5 different types.

Blue ball display just outside Esplanade Entrance with the reflect of the trees.

Durian of Singapore (Esplanade) LOL. Testing out my ISO 100 low-noise effect ^_^.
CBD area with a nice sunset by the side.

This photo was captured with an 8sec exposure and the one below is taken with 13sec exposure.

The longer the exposure the picture will look like a paint picture rather then a normal photo.
anyway this photo is exposed way to much that the Merlion become too bright =X.

Night vision Shot by D5100 effect mode. Looks good with the lighting from MBS and there are no clouds that day. Therefore the background is pitch black.

CBD area near the floating platform with 10 sec exposure and flash from my D5100. The picture become a bit redish if you look closely. I like the reflection on the water surface ^_^.
End my day with my mummy at Crystal Jade for dinner. Eating Fried rice and Ramen.

Saturday 18 February 2012

Walking from Queenstown to City Hall

        First time creating a blog. Okie Okie stop talking rubbish ... Go back to my main topic. Recently, I have been learning a lot about photography. Therefore, I decided to bring my new and expensive DSLR(Nikon D5100) for a walk in the park and city area.  

By the way, this is my first time walking from Telok Blangah Hill Park to Mount Faber.

        It took me about 2 hours to complete my walk from Telok Blangah Hill Park to bottom of Mount Faber Park.

 Singapore's hottest building Marina Bay Sands. Using my brother's lens 52mm f2.8.

Singapore's icon The Merlion.

Front View of The Merlion
Haha .... and took me 1 hour from Vivo city all the way to Esplanade. All the photos were taken using my brother's Nikon Lens and the colours shown are so solid. Learning photography is not an easy task especially when there is hardly anyone to guide you. I have to take a photo and learn how to adjust the shuttle speed and aperture. Nothing is impossible. I hope i could take more good photos and show all my friends and relatives ^_^.
Night time MBS with lighting effect.