Saturday 17 March 2012

After years And I'm back on Virgo ^_^

It had been 14 years since I last came on board the Star Cruise Virgo. They actually renovated the interior and repaint the outer of the Cruise. It is sad to say this time I'm not staying in the balcony room but still I enjoyed the 1 day cruise trip =D. The Scenery on board the deck and Helipad area are the best, with chilling wind and beautiful lighting from Habour Front, Universal Studio and the Reflection Private apartment. This trip really brought back memories from way back since I was only 11 years old. By the way, I want to thank to my Aunt and Uncle for bringing me on board the cruise. ^_^
Hope you guys will like my photos taken on the cruise.
Bye !!!! =D

Monday 12 March 2012

ILight Event on March 2012 =D

First time doing a photo-shoot with friends. I went to city hall to meet up with Elvin and Albee from British Councilor for photo-shooting at Marina Bay Sands. This month, Marina Bay Sands is having an event call iLight Event which will make this place full of wonderful colors. Although this is my 3rd time shooting at MBS, this place still gives me lots of challenge. Setting of shuttle, aperature and iso etc... in order to capture beautiful pictures. I'm getting used to my DSLR and 18-55mm lens which I don't really like it from the beginning. Now, I'm LOVING it =D. Never regretted buying D5100. Like my brother used to say, "Camera is a non- living thing but the owner is the one that can bring out the best out of the scenery and portrait it out in a picture ".

Thursday 1 March 2012

HDR try out

I'm back to the Botanical Garden to learn how to shoot HDR photos. The feeling was quite lost at first when I can't find good location with clouds and sun. I'm going crazy and the weather is so humid !!! Finally, I went back to the Bandstand and found the spot that include everything I wanted so Happy !!! ^_^
This sunset view HDR photo was taken at Jurong Hill Park. I heard from my parents this place was built 20 years ago. There's a Garden of Frame which consist of trees that were planted by different Presidents from Indonesia, Philippines and many more. If you people want to relax and chill, you can consider Jurong Hill Park. Oh ya, right below the hill is Jurong Bird Park.